
There are no subscription or monthly fees, you only pay for a documentation set once you are ready to print the documentation.

Before a document set can be printed, it must be purchased via the online payment gateway PayFast. Specifications and Health & Safety Files are paid for per Project and Covid-19 Plans per Company. Once purchased, Covid-19 Plans can be reused for additional projects of the original company by creating the project online and printing the Covid-19 Plan based on the information of the new project.

The user can buy up to 10 Specification or Health & Safety File documentation sets at a time. The company of the logged in user, generally referred to as the logged in company, is credited with the extra files purchased. This credit may be used the next time a documentation set needs to be printed until the total number of documentation sets are printed. Once a Specification or Health & Safety File documentation set has been paid for, it can be downloaded.

As a rule, the documentation cannot be updated or changed after purchase. In the event of incorrect information finding its way into a documentation set by mistake, the Project can be unlocked by the eSafeT administrator (free of charge). Please contact us via email email or telephone +27 81 726 9048 to arrage for the unlocking of a document set.


Health & Safety File R1000
Health & Safety Specification R1000
Covid-19 Plan R500

Bulk Pricing

Prices for bulk purchases kan be negotiated on request. Please contact us via email or telephone +27 81 726 9048 to negotiate bulk pricing.

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